“Digital solutions to manage and protect your data assets and enrich the company.“
We have been operating on the market for over 30 years in the Telco, Industry, Transport, Utilities and Public Administration sectors, we design and create highly innovative software solutions and solid, scalable and secure IT infrastructures for a constantly evolving market.
We are also leaders in ICT transformation, virtualization and consolidation, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery projects.
We have developed innovative solutions and products in the Smart Metering, Digital Solution, Machine Learning, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security and Next Generation SOC sectors, with the birth in July 2020 of Atlantica Cyber Security which has the specific mission of assisting and accompanying Customers in the choices, development and management of the most technologically advanced solutions relating to the defense of the business from cyber attacks.
We have a staff of 200 employees and we invest in their professional growth, giving space to their ideas, so as to give rise, through passion and ability, to many projects that highlight the nature of innovation that has always distinguished us.
We currently have the following certifications:
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 – ISO/IEC 27017:2015 – ISO 14001:2015 – ISO/IEC 27018:2019 – ISO/IEC 27001:2022 – ISO 45001:2018 – UNI/PdR 125:2022 – SA8000:2014
Compliance with ITIL V3 and ITIL 4 frameworks;
Compliance with the “General Data Protection Regulation” EU n.679/2016 (GDPR);
Adoption of model 231 Legislative Decree 231/01 “Administrative responsibility of companies and entities”.
Finally, the company follows ESG principles.
The company has adopted and certified a system for the best management of the PDR125 reference practice for gender equality
Enlit Europe 2022
One month to go to the start of Enlit Europe,...
ATLANTICA DIGITAL SPA will be present at the WETEX & Dubai Solar Show
ATLANTICA DIGITAL SPA will be present at...
ATLANTICA DIGITAL SPA’s #managedservices